The advisory board of a company can help in meeting business needs and formulating long-term plans. Effective advisory board members are highly experienced who bring their expertise to your company and provide leaders. They are those who know your industry and have expertise in professional fields like law, finance or marketing. Advisory boards are typically comprised of people who want to help you. They could be internet members of the board or external recruits. They meet regularly, or often. Usually six to eight times a year. They may also act as an instructor for the CEO and leadership.
Typically, members of an advisory council aren’t paid for their time, but they are reimbursed for expenses related to meetings. The size of an advisory panel is a matter of flexibility and makes it easy to create and expand the advisory board to meet the demands of a company. In addition, an advisory board is more informal than a traditional board of directors, which helps minimize the risk of liability.
It is important that a business establish clear boundaries for their advisory boards so that members don’t begin acting like an executive board and assume all the associated obligations. This can be done by writing a formal explanation of the advisory board’s role by way of the board resolution or their bylaws. This will allow them to ensure accountability and avoid confusion. As a business expands it’s not uncommon for advisory roles to be formalized and then change into the full board of directors. This happens typically when a company acquires investors or has reached an operational level.